Some seasons of life are tough to endure and walk by. When we struggle, we look to God for a quick solution, but He calls us to be patient as He builds us up in faith and in his love. So what do we do? We rest in His love, building our hope and faith in him, studying his word to give us strength to surmount the phase, and trusting that He has not abandoned us as we look forward to the fulfillment of His promise and His liberating mercy. Jude 1:21. Lord, thank You for loving us and sustaining us. As we feel the weight of our burdens, we pray that You will give us eyes to see Your hand at work. Help us to remember Your love that covers us in danger, bears the weight of our struggles, and comforts us through storms. Please keep us close to you, so that we may endure until You fully set us free by Your mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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