When we are young, people often don’t take us seriously. It can be frustrating, especially if people are telling you to act like an adult and yet you are treated like a child. Here we see Paul encouraging Timothy to be an example 1 Tim 4:12 . Instead of dwelling on the disadvantage of youth, focus on being worthy of being looked up to. Focus on maturing spiritually, emotionally and physically. Let your words and conversations reflect Christ. Pray that your character will reflect Christ, and above all, have faith in God. LORD, help us to have character that resembles You. Strengthen our faith in You, LORD. Help us to be content with our age and the stage of life we are in. Help us to do what we can do instead of focusing on what we can’t do. Conform and shape us into who you want us to be. Above all, we want to please You. We want to do Your will and live for You. Give us wisdom and insight to do so, and lead us by Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.