That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.. 2 Thessalonians 1:12. This is Paul’s prayer for the Christians in Thessalonica: that Christ would be glorified in them, and that they would be glorified with Him. We can pray that same prayer for ourselves and others. When we do things for God, even giving a cup of water in Jesus’ name to someone who asks for it, we glorify God. Doing great things for God often means living for Him in the day to day activities of our lives. Have a blessed day.
It’s easy to be thankful when we are comfortable, prosperous, or healthy. But when we lose loved ones, suffer setbacks, or struggle with illness and conflict, gratitude eludes us. Yet, through even these things, God does not abandon us. Even when we have nothing or nobody else, we still have Him, carrying us through our struggles, and that is reason enough to give thanks and our heart full of gratitude to our God who have loved us even in our unrighteousness, so the thing God deserves from us is worship and a thankful heart. As we step into the new week let our heart be full of gratitude onto him as we walk in faith and thanksgiving. Have a blessed week. 1Thesselonia 5:18.
Jesus desires to be in communion with us, not just individually but collectively as his church. Yet, sometimes we get so caught up in our own plans, agendas, and desires that we shut him out. When this happens, do we realize that he’s outside? Do we hear him knocking? Let us let him back into our lives so that he may be present with us in all that we do, and also fellowship with him as he fellowship with us. Revelation 3:20
Part of being a Christian is humbling ourselves and realizing that without God, our lives truly mean nothing. We are to acknowledge that we have made a conscious choice to turn away from the bad deeds and sinful habits, and we have turned to the holy life God has presented before us, as such our life is like a mirror people see, so let try to live a good life so people can see Christ in us as we turn to God everyday of our lives. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Hello world!
Welcome to this blog where we will share insight full word from the scripture to help us as we walk through the new year.