Matthew 8:28-32. The Gospel speaks of Jesus driving out demons and we are still in need of this! True, we can think of personal demons such as drug abuse and alcohol addiction etc, but what of more systemic demons such as violence and discrimination, poverty, hunger and greed. We have been commissioned as disciples of Jesus in order that we may carry on his mission. I can already hear the wheels turning: How can I make a difference? The answer is one day at a time. Every journey begins with one step at a time. For those who may be affected by a personal demon, there is help available once we recognize that we can’t do it alone but with Jesus on our side and surrending to his authority we can do it. For systemic demons, it’s a little harder, but we can choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Doing nothing is being part of the problem. Let’s take violence. Think about your language. Are your words hurtful or helpful? Do you put people down or raise them up? The tongue is the first line of defense when it comes to violence. We may not be able to stop the violence in the world, but we can limit it in our homes, our neighborhoods, our city, and in our local communities. Once kindness replaces violence, it will be easier to replace discrimination with respect, poverty and hunger with sufficiency and greed with temperance. We each have a role to play in driving out today’s demons, are you up to it? Lord help us to be part of solution to casting out the demons in our lives as we live each day. Help us rid ourselves of prejudice and discrimination. Give us the courage to ask for help to end our addictions and give us the strength to face the demons in the world as we work for change. Amen.
Matthew 7:7-11. Today’s gospel passage makes it seem so simple! Ask God for what you want and you’ll get it; look for what you want and you’ll find it; just knock and doors will be opened unto you. However, Jesus reminds us that God is a good father and will not give us what is wrong for us! When you were young, did you ever ask your parents for something that was just not right for you? Perhaps your children have done the same to you. You don’t give a baby a steak, nor do you give a toddler a 10 speed bicycle. You wouldn’t let your children look for milk in the cabinet where you keep your cleaning supplies. But sometimes we are looking for what we think we need in all the wrong places and wrong time. Yes, Jesus tells us to keep asking for what we need and we will receive it, but he also expects that we will be asking for the right things. We are bombarded with ads that tell us what we need to do or own in order to be happy, but are those things truly what we need to make us happy and fulfilled? Jesus tells us that we need hearts that are open to others, that we must be people of peace, love, faith, hope and forgiveness, and when we ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit, we will surely receive. When we pray, do we ask God to give us those things which He knows we need in order to be happy, or do we ask for what the media or friends and family says we need? If we leave the decisions up to God, then we will always receive what we ask for; we will find what we are looking for; and doors will open at our knock. Matthew 7:7-11.
God is watchful over us, giving His attention and care to the path He sets for us to follow, and His guidance informs our steps. This is one of the many benefits and blessings of knowing, and being known by God. For to not know Him is to take a path that leads away from Him and a path of destruction we build for ourselves, which can only lead to ruin and damnation. Psalm 1:6.
Do you pray to know God’s will for our life? We need to ask for guidance as well as listen to his voice for answers as we live Each day. Each of us is called for a specific purpose. It’s true that we may never know the full extent of our purpose during our lifetime, but that doesn’t excuse us from trying and putting in our effort as we study his word to find our path and purpose . Perhaps some of you here are being called to the ministry. Most will be called to marriage. Perhaps your gifts call you to the work in the medical field, or as lawyers or teachers or waiters. Beyond that, all should consider how we are being called to serve within the community we live in. We are all called to work for Christ and showcase his likeness in us. I understand that calls to serve come at different times to different people and certainly working to provide for and care for a family is a top priority and should be. That priority includes instructing in and modeling our faith to people we meet everyday. Children need to know that God loves them and has a plan for them as well. Many families work together to gather food or clothing, and also help the poor. Parents can also help their children by pointing out the gifts God has given them and encouraging them to use them to the glory of God. We all have gifts. We won’t all be great athletes, musicians or painters. But God has a plan for us that uses the gifts we have been given. Thankfully, many are gifted as mechanics, electricians, plumber and so on. The important thing is acknowledging that God does have a plan for us that no one else can fulfill and that we seek to hear his voice in all we do as we strive to live each day and our lifestyle glorifying him and acknowledging him in all that we do. Proverbs 3:6.
The first thing Andrew did after meeting Jesus was to tell his brother the good news. Were you as excited as Andrew to tell others when you first came to know Jesus? How about now? Sometimes, we lose that excitement over time. But with every answered prayer, every new beginning, God gives us an opportunity to reclaim- and proclaim- his word and our excitement all over again as we continue to spread the good news to those we come across as we go on with our daily activities in life. John 1:14.
Some seasons of life are tough to endure and walk by. When we struggle, we look to God for a quick solution, but He calls us to be patient as He builds us up in faith and in his love. So what do we do? We rest in His love, building our hope and faith in him, studying his word to give us strength to surmount the phase, and trusting that He has not abandoned us as we look forward to the fulfillment of His promise and His liberating mercy. Jude 1:21. Lord, thank You for loving us and sustaining us. As we feel the weight of our burdens, we pray that You will give us eyes to see Your hand at work. Help us to remember Your love that covers us in danger, bears the weight of our struggles, and comforts us through storms. Please keep us close to you, so that we may endure until You fully set us free by Your mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.
While we have all sinned, we must recognize that true repentance comes from turning back to God completely. For those who have backslidden or turned their backs on God, they will only find forgiveness when they return to the Lord whole heatedly. Furthermore, we cannot save ourselves. In order for our hearts and minds to be transformed and restored, we must seek the Lord, for only He can renew us. Much like we hear people reminiscence about “the good old days, ” this verse refers to the feeling one has of peace and goodness that follows once his spirit has been restored and renewed in Christ. Lamentation 5:21.
Holiness is a lofty ideal. In fact, it is downright impossible for us to be holy on our own. Yet, God’s own holiness demands holiness of us. So how do we do it? We let God impart His holiness on us, according to His grace. Just as He called us to holiness, He supplies the holiness that we need when we surrender to His will and live by His Spirit. 1 peter1:15.
When we are young, people often don’t take us seriously. It can be frustrating, especially if people are telling you to act like an adult and yet you are treated like a child. Here we see Paul encouraging Timothy to be an example 1 Tim 4:12 . Instead of dwelling on the disadvantage of youth, focus on being worthy of being looked up to. Focus on maturing spiritually, emotionally and physically. Let your words and conversations reflect Christ. Pray that your character will reflect Christ, and above all, have faith in God. LORD, help us to have character that resembles You. Strengthen our faith in You, LORD. Help us to be content with our age and the stage of life we are in. Help us to do what we can do instead of focusing on what we can’t do. Conform and shape us into who you want us to be. Above all, we want to please You. We want to do Your will and live for You. Give us wisdom and insight to do so, and lead us by Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Most of us don’t give ants much consideration. We view them as pests to be swept aside or crushed when they show up in inconvenient times and places. But if we observe their actions, we see not only that ants are tireless workers who accomplish a great deal, but that they do so by working together in community to accomplish even greater things than each could do on their own, so as Christians we are called to work together for the advancement and growth of the church of God. Proverbs 6:6. God, we never cease to be amazed by the complexity and wonder of Your creation. Even the ants reveal Your thoughtfulness and wondrous act. Thank You for turning our attention to them, so that we may learn from them. Lord, help us to use our gifts to serve You and Your kingdom. And help us to maintain unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ so that we may do great things together for Your name’s sake. In Jesus’ name, amen.